Saturday 9 November 2013

A good method of matting and layering using my craft studio

My Craft Studio Elite is the one above My Craft Studio Professional and it does have some improvements that are very valuable and I would recommend anyone updating.

I love My Craft Studio Elite and I love to save some of my creations as JPEGs as given in the saving drop down arrow, so this means you can now use your image in a lot more other programmes too.

There are more digital punches as well, and the lassoo tool is fantastic.

The lassoo tool means you can make a decoupage creation from an image, choosing your own parts to decoupage.

We all know tiling is great and cropping.

I may as time move on put some tutorials on the internet on how you use My Craft Studio Elite.

The My Craft Studio CD Roms are great too, and there Click and Go or In Your Element ranges are easy you just click and it is all there for you to print off, you can of course edit etc if you wish.

There are lots of tutorials on you tube and Stephanie Weightman and Nancy Watts are the ones to watch.

But this lady gave a good tutorial and I am sharing for all the crafters out there that are hesitant, as am I, about using matting and layering, as getting the four sides straight can be a problem, but with this lady's method and my craft studio graphics programme, then the outlines are there for you to cut round, and of course there are ruler guides in cm and inches for you to measure your matts.  This lady went one further and used the punch tool to punch her image topper to the correct size.  And of course, it is all visual on the screen as a card until you separate it out.

I just love digital crafting, and my sister loves both handcrafting and digital crafting. 

Crafting is keeping us close!!   cikuc   and I am sure many of you crafters out there are kept close through crafting too, regular shopping trips, regular info calls, regular craft clubs, and regular watching of create and craft,maybe lol  I am an avid viewer , just love that programme!  and online shop

1 comment:

  1. can i post a comment and be the first one to comment lol
